# cd-paranoia -Brip audio tracks from a CD to wav files [man]
# cd-paranoia --rip first three audio tracks from a CD to wav files [man]
# cdrecord -v gracetime=2 dev=/dev/cdrom -eject blank=fast -forceclean a rewritable cdrom [man]
# cdrecord -v dev=/dev/cdrom cd.isoburn an ISO image [man]
# gzip -dc cd_iso.gz | cdrecord dev=/dev/cdrom -burn a compressed ISO image [man]
# cdrecord --scanbusscan bus to identify the channel scsi [man]
# dd if=/dev/hdc | md5sumperform an md5sum on a device, like a CD [man]
# mkisofs /dev/cdrom > cd.isocreate an iso image of cdrom on disk [man]
# mkisofs /dev/cdrom | gzip > cd_iso.gzcreate a compressed iso image of cdrom on disk [man]
# mkisofs -J -allow-leading-dots -R -Vcreate an iso image of a directory [man]
# mount -o loop cd.iso /mnt/isomount an ISO image [man]